Saturday, March 5, 2011

Introduction to pdadmin

pdadmin is the command line console for TAMeb administration.  Its GUI counterpart is the Web Portal Manager (WPM).  pdadmin is available on all TAMeb servers.  It can be accessed on Windows servers by opening a cmd window and typing “pdadmin” (without the quotes); it can be accessed on AIX servers by typing “pdadmin” (without the quotes).
After launching pdadmin, login as follows:
pdadmin> login
Enter User ID: u123456
Enter Password: (type password)
Pdadmin u123456>
pdadmin can also be used without launching the console:
c:\ pdadmin –a <username> -p <password> <command to execute>
and to execute .txt file commands (one command per line in the file)
c:\ pdadmin –a <username> -p <password> c:\file.txt